In Live Online Tuition Classes, our tutors and students are in different locations and use the Internet to teach and learn remotely.
The tutor communicates in real-time with the student using Skype or Zoom (Voice over the Internet) and a digital pen tablet, enabling the tutor and student to interact through a shared whiteboard or paint page (on which both teacher and student can write using different paint tools).
Online IB Tutors and students can interact in a fun and dynamic learning environment, choosing an individually customized set of online tools to help the student achieve their academic target.
It is like having a tutor sitting right before you and is extremely popular with today’s tech-savvy younger generation.
Help for All Classes & Subjects
IB Elite Tutor offers LIVE ONLINE TUITION CLASSES for INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (all Groups HL, SL), IGCSE, Cambridge AICE Diploma, International A-S, A, O- levels, SAT and SAT 2nd (for all subjects).
With seven years of ONLINE TUTORING experience, our service has proven to be ‘‘very effective’’ in helping students from anywhere in India and the world access the leading and finest tutors.
Our online classes have expanded to countries like the UK, UAE, USA, Singapore, Australia, Canada, India, Mexico, Spain, China, Ecuador, Argentina, Hong Kong, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, Turkey, Oman, Bahrain, Netherlands, Egypt, Qatar, and Japan.
With every passing year, the number of our online students is increasing, a testament to the effectiveness of our service.
IB Elite Tutor’s team of online tutors is highly experienced and well-trained in providing online tutoring.
Our Live Online tutors have been selected from the highest-performing tutors across the world.
They have excellent track records of tutoring students online and bring the best of the International education system.
Why join Live Online Tuition Classes?
Best Quality Teachers. Our Online Tutors are highly experienced and well-qualified well-trained teachers.
The quality of Our online tutors is far more than that of our Home Tutors.
We have used all the supporting material, viz., past ten-year papers, chapter-wise notes, chapter-wise assignment sheets, and chapter-wise PPTs.
Also, we have solved past papers for all the students.
It’s Effective. It is way more effective than face-to-face home tuition.
It’s Convenient. A student can access their tutor and have lessons anywhere and anytime.
It’s Flexible. A student can fix the time for an online session according to his/her’s comfort and need and it can be done wherever the student happens to be – home, school, travel, university, etc.
It’s Simple. All you need is a broadband connection and a Skype account.
It’s Safe. Online tutoring avoids the busy traffic traveling for both tutor and pupil.
It’s Fun—Many young people like Online Tuition Classes (to Face-to-Face) due to their lifelong familiarity with computers.