Advantages of Class 10th CBSE Board Exams-
We all know that according to the decision made by the HRD ministry, all CBSE schools will go through a centralized board exam for class 10th from the 2017-18 sessions. As exams come closer, there is a feeling of anxiety among the students and their parents. As a Maths tutor, whenever I meet my students’ parents, they ask similar questions. How will the question paper be on the boards? Will it be challenging? How will the evaluation be made? Will it be rigorous? All these questions seem silly, but this shows their anxiety towards boards. However, as a professional teacher, I consider this a decision that goes in the right direction.
Class 10th board exams are far more beneficial for students in comparison to school exams; here we have a few benefits:
- These exams give students a fair idea of the exams, which are far away from the home atmosphere of their schools and teachers. Students will find them better mentally prepared for other out-school competitive exams.
- A student will find a level playing field across the country and can prepare themself for a pan India competition. This exam ensures student discipline and is a standardized yardstick for assessing students in the country’s schools. There may be chances of discrimination in school exams because some school exam papers might be elementary while some might be very difficult.
- There is a scope for improvement in marks/grades for a student who works hard throughout the year.
- The final marks sheet is based on a single board exam conducted at the end of the year, while it is based on a comprehensive system in the CCE system.
A few more benefits-:
- Students must write a test for the whole syllabus, so they must revise it many times; it helps them build a solid academic base.
- Board exams provide students and parents with a fair idea about student’s strengths and weaknesses and help them decide about their future studies and streams.
- A lot of people talk about the excessive pressure on board exams, but I consider it a myth. As a home tutor, I have seen a lot of students under immense pressure just because of their school exams. Students who plan their studies and revise properly will never be under pressure.
- CBSE has provided sample papers and a sample marking scheme for each subject. And students can see them and plan their preparation accordingly. It provides transparency and standardization in the whole system.
- The most significant advantage of the board exam is that it doesn’t have any disadvantages in comparison to school exams. Besides all these benefits, uniformity in the whole system makes it easy to deliver for teachers too, so let’s enjoy boards and get the best prepared for the coming academic session
A good home or online tutor can help students ensure success in their board exams. You can click here to get the best IB Home Tutors in Delhi.