IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon can change the academic life of a student by their hard work and structured way of teaching. Our tutors maximize the potential of their students. Get the best IB Tuition in Gurgaon with IB Tutors in Gurgaon, IB Maths Home Tutors in Gurgaon are handeling students from top schools llike:
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- Suncity Schools Gurgaon
- The Shri Ram School Gurgram
- The British School
- GD Goenka Schools
- Pathways World Schools
- Shiv Nadar Schools Gurgaon (Gurugram)
- DPS International Schools Gurugram (Gurgaon) and many more top schools
- IB Elite Tutor provides the best IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon. It is an organization who only deals with IB DP, IB I.A, IB TOK, E.E, IB MYP, IB PYP, SAT, and ACT.
- We provide Online and home IB Tutors for Maths, IB Tutors for Physics, IB Tutors for Chemistry, IB Tutors for Economics, IB I.A Tutors and IB TOK Tutors.
- You can get Tutors For all IB groups and IB subjects. And all our Tutors are highly proficient, trained, qualified, experienced and skilled professionals.
- Majority of them are working in great IB word schools of Delhi, NCR. We offer one to one online and face to face tuition.
Salient Features of IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon
- If you are bored with the traditional chalk and talk methods of your school teachers, you should fix your one-hour free demo class with our IB Home Tutors.
- Our IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon use the latest technology to make you understand your concepts.
- They use presentations, attractive images, animations to explain difficult concepts of IB Mathematics, IB Physics, IB Chemistry, IB Biology IB Economics al all other IB subjects.
- Our IB Tutors in Gurgaon use effective java applets for a better understanding of graphs and various difficult topics.
- Besides this, We arrange special sessions for the understanding of GDC calculators.
There are many websites like Phet that provide Java Simulations and applets on subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Economics. These simulations provide visual learning to our students. And Visual learning is the most durable form of learning students never forget what they learn through visualization.
IA Help by IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon
- Every year, at the time of submission of IB Internal assessment, we get calls from the students who have taken tuition with other academies but now their tutors are not capable to help them in their internal assessments.
- At this point, students are helpless and hopeless. They are very scared and willing to pay any price for their assessment to be done.
- We find this scenario quite difficult for the students and completely unethical from the tutor’s point of view.
- So we only hire tutors who are capable enough to deal with the internal assessment. They will not only help students for their main examination papers but also in their subject’s internal assessments.
- Students can consult their tutors and fix one or two classes in a month for learning IA long before their submission deadlines.
- This will not only provide you with a better understanding and knowledge of IA but it will also save from any last minute disaster.
Quick Completion of the syllabus and better revision
- Our IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon makes a proper syllabus with you considering your school tests as well as your final exam.
- This will make sure that you finish your course in time. And you get enough time to revise your syllabus comprehensively and to solve past papers.
- The more you revise your syllabus, the better grades you will get. The best way to revise the whole syllabus is to do past papers for all subjects SL or HL.
- When you do a revision from your textbook it strengthens your knowledge of that particular topic. But when you do revision from past papers, it challenges and surprises you like your actual exam.
- We buy membership of places like IB-Resources, IB Stuff, Think IB and Revision Village and make them available to our students.
- Besides this, Our content creation team is busy throughout the year in creating fresh original content for our students.
Home-Work help by IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon
Many times it happens that school teachers are busy in some non-academic school activities. They are not able to give proper time to their classroom teaching or they teach in a very speedy way. As a result, students don’t understand the topics and they are not able to finish their homework, projects, etc. They can teach you all your topic parallel to your school teachers. This will prepare you for your class tests in the best way
Deep Knowledge of subject and curriculum
Our IB Home Tutors are highly qualified professionals. Majority of them are IB examiners who are Ph.D. or M.Phil. in their respective subjects. Our tutors have vast experience in dealing with IB curriculum and IB students. So they have deep subject knowledge and they know how to deliver it to their students. Tutors make you solve a lot of extra questions and help you in solving past year IB papers. This strengthens your preparations and you are more close to your target of getting a 7 in your IB exams.
Blended Tutoring by IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon
- IB Elite Tutor has a very strong network of IB Tutors in our city Gurgaon. And we are capable enough to fulfill the requirement of each and every IB student.
- But our city is very advanced and innovative. There are cases when our team says to a parent/student that we can help you by sending a home tutor but because of n number of reasons people prefer to take help from online tutors.
- Fortunately, we have a big and powerful team of online tutors who can maximize your potential with the help of technology. Here, you have a very strong plus point.
- We provide you with online IB tutors are living very close to you in the majority of cases. So you can fix your schedule in a blended manner like you can take two classes online and call the tutor at your home on Weekends and discuss things.
IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon Offer
24×7 Support
Students who are enrolled with us, always find a dedicated IB Online Tutor by their side. AndIB home tutors in Gurgaon are always in touch with their students through email, Whatsapp and Skype. And students also get help through online videos when tutors are not available. we never leave our students alone in their time of need.
Max. no of Subjects
We provide IB Home Tutors for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, English, Geography, History, Business Studies, etc. We deal with all IB groups and subjects. So you can get all the required help under one roof. This help in coordination among tutors.
Regular and Strict testing
We believe in regular and strict testing. Our IB tutors take the chapter-end test at the end of every chapter. Followed by unit -test at the completion of three chapters/one unit. And we also take half syllabus test and full-length mock test. Our IB home tutors in Gurgaon ensure that every student solve at least 6-8 past year papers
Prompt Feedback
IB home tutors in Gurgaon are always in touch with the parents/guardians. They provide timely feedback about the student’s academic progress. If required, our tutors are very open seeking help from parents for the sake of student’s growth. And Parents are always aware of their ward’s academic progress, therefore, they can take corrective measures in time, in case of any problem.
Assurance of Service
We assure all our customers/consumers about our service through the on-time delivery of tutorial sessions, strict effective testing and regular feedbacks
Affordability of IB Home Tutors in Gurgaon
Free Demo Classes
You can take a one-hour free demo class for any subject. Just fill the form given below or msg/call us at the given number. If you like the service you can hire the tutor and continue your tuition assignment. If you don’t like it you can ask for a fresh tutor and you have to pay nothing for that class.
Cost effective service
Our Online IB Tutorials and home tutoring sessions both are most cost-effective. You get the best service at a very low price. And you only pay for the tuition you get. You have to pay us anything for the notes, assignments or papers.