IB Tutors in Dubai

IB Tutors in Dubai

IB Elite Tutor is a premium IB Tutoring institute for getting IB Home Tutors and Online IB Maths Tutors in Dubai. We provide IB Tuition in Dubai for all IB groups and IB subjects with the help of IB Tutors in Dubai from Top IB world Schools. All our IB Online Tutors in Dubai are highly qualified, trained, experienced and proficient teachers.

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Most of our IB Tutors in Dubai are working in top schools of Dubai like,

  1.  Deira International School
  2. Greenfield Community School
  3. Jumeira Baccalaureate School
  4. Uptown School in Dubai
  5. and Universal American School    
and many other top schools of the region.
IB Tutors in Dubai

IB Tutors in Dubai from Topmost Schools

We provide IB home tutors as well as IB Online tutors for students who are studying in topmost schools and looking for additional help. Our Online IB Tutors can help students from afar located place easily with the help of advanced technology tools like ZOOM

To get from our online IB tutors you need only these few items

  1. A laptop or a desktop computer with a normal configuration
  2. A headphone to hear to your teacher and to talk to him/her
  3. And a good internet connection

Our online IB Tutors in Dubai assure good results with the help of technology. They use interactive videos, images, PDF, animations and many other tools to support their students. Our Online IB tutors in Dubai provide assured overall grade 7 by following key steps.

Highly Experienced Tutors from Top IB Schools

It is a general case scenario at most of the reputed IB academies that they only look at their tutors’ skills and subject knowledge. At the same time, we have a completely different set of requirements for onboarding a faculty at IB Elite Tutor. We completely respect the subject expertise & experience of applicants, and we also consider these as key hiring factors but always make sure that the person we are hiring must fulfill any of these criteria.

  • Either the person must have studied in IB 
  • Or they must have experience with some reputed IB schools

It is not that the non-IB candidates are less competent, but the challenge is that IB has a unique evaluation system, and there are several factors like IA, IO, TOK, Extended Essays, CAS, etc. We believe that one can only understand IB if one has studied it or been taught in it. That’s why 

We only work with IB School teachers.

Timely completion of syllabus

Many times your school teachers are not able to finish their subject syllabus in time. Or sometimes you don’t understand what your school teachers are teaching. In these circumstances, our Online IB Tutors in Dubai can help you a lot. They will make you understand things better. And they will help you to finish your syllabus in time. This will not only ease your pressure but also his will provide you enough time to revise the things and fill the holes in your preparation. 

Comprehensive Revision

Once we are able to complete the syllabus in time, we shall find enough time to revise. We can not expect a student to remember the things that he or she has read four-five months before. So the revision of the whole syllabus, again and again, is required to perform well in the exam. Our IB Tutors in Dubai will provide you  Past year papers, important notes, and interactive revision videos. All these content help students to revise properly and perform well in the exam.

Tests, Mock Exams and Past paper solving

We believe that structured testing is vital to score a 7 in any given IB subject or even in the whole IB. So our teachers conduct multi-level testing.

  • Test at the end of each chapter to check if the student has adequately grasped the concept or not
  • Unit Test at the end of a unit or after 2/3 chapters helps a lot in quick revision and remembering things.
  • Once the syllabus is completed, then full-length tests start so that students can gauge how to prepare they are for their actual exam.
  • For chapter end or unit tests, you can request your teacher to give you a test paper. You take the paper and solve it in given time duration. After decoding, you can share your answers with the teacher so that the tutor can correct them and discuss errors in the next class.
  • Parent engagement and feedback about students’ performance is also vital factor for a successful result-giving tutoring assignment. So, our teachers always keep the parents in the loop and regularly update them about their ward’s performance.
  • We provide sample IB past year papers to all the students who enroll with us and their solutions. IB examination questions are entirely different and way more complex than the textbook questions.
  • Past Year Papers help students to understand the level of questions that IB asks in the actual examination. This way, you can prepare yourself for the real battle.
Use of Latest Technology by IB Tutors in Dubai
  • In the present time, technology is playing its part in every aspect of our life. It is almost everywhere. And the educational field is no exception.
  • Our IB Tutors in Dubai use the latest technology to help and support their students. Our IB Math Tutors uses a lot of interactive online tool to explain different types of Mathematical graphs.
  • We use animation, videos, powerpoint presentations, and PDF documents to explain difficult concepts. These tools help a lot in IB Economics, IB Physics, IB Biology, and IB Mathematics.
  • Our tutors use instant messengers like Whatsapp and Skype to instantly solve doubts of their students during the examination period. Our Online IB Tutors takes lead in using latest and advanced technology.
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